Year Six

Welcome to Year 6!
This year, the Year 6 team is me, as the main class teacher, and Ms Rana, who will be with the class every day to support with learning.
We are very much looking forward to be being back at school and making the most of this academic year. There will be a few changes in class this year and most of them are listed underneath. We will be having a very busy term and it will be filled with lots of exciting new learning.
Ms Ulyett
Year Six

Year Six

We will be using White Rose Maths for our lessons. We will be learning about: place value (numbers to 10 million, rounding and ordering, negative numbers); addition, multiplication, subtraction and division; fractions including fraction calculations; and geometry. The schemes of learning can be found here.
Children will be using the Pathway scheme. We will be learning about stories, flashbacks and reports. The texts we will be using are: Star of Fear, Star of Hope (about World War 2); Can We Save the Tiger? (about the environment); and The Place For Me (stories about the Windrush generation).
Children will continue to use Accelerated Reader to quiz. They will be expected to bring in their reading diary everyday to show they have been reading at home. We appreciate your time and support by signing your child’s diary to show that they have spent time reading daily at home. We will be having daily guided reading lessons where we will learn how to support our reading using the reading GEMS.
History, Geography, Art and DT
In history, we will be learning about the Vikings. In geography, we will be learning about deserts and biomes. Our art project covers impressionism and for DT we will be creating playground structures.
We will be learning about the binary system and spreadsheets
In Spanish, we will learn words, phrase and sentences based on: all about us; school subjects and opinions; in the city; the verb to be; and going to the market.
For this subject, we will be learning about light and electricity.
We will be having weekly lessons with Junior Jam.
We will be covering the beliefs and practices of Islam, Christmas and incarnation.
PSHE: We will cover ‘Our Happy School’ and ‘Out and About’.
RSE: We will be learning about; changes that happen in life; the difference between a loving relationship and a forced marriage; how babies are made; challenging negative thoughts and opinions; stereotyping; the Internet and mental health.
Additional Information
Your child’s PE lesson will be on Tuesday and Friday.
On these days please ensure that your child brings a full PE kit to school, including suitable footwear (trainers or plimsolls). Your child will remain in their PE kit all day, then the PE kit will need to be washed ready for their next PE day. Children should not wear jewellery on their PE days. Girls need to make sure they have long hair tied back and a short hijab if preferred.
All homework this term will be shared through Class Dojo. It will be posted on Fridays and it will be due in the following Friday. Please ensure your child completes their homework and that they take responsibility for their home learning. The homework will consist of; spellings, maths and grammar.
Reading books will be used as normal and the children will be able to take home reading books and reading records as they wish. When the children have finished their book, they will bring it back to class. Children are expected to read daily at home and they will need to have their reading diary signed. This will be checked daily during the day at school.
The children will not need to bring in anything from home aside from a named water bottle, a packed lunch box (if they have a packed lunch) and a coat. The children should not bring in any pencil cases from home as everything will provided by school.
In the morning doors will be open from 8.20am and the children can make their way to their classroom as soon as they arrive. Please say goodbye to the children away from the door and allow them to make their own way indoors.
If you need to speak to your child’s teacher, please ring the office to book an appointment or message staff directly on Class Dojo. At home time, please wait for your child to be sent to you. The finish time for all children will be 2.45pm. Please ensure you collect your child promptly.