Governor: Priscilla Nkwenti

Priscilla Nkwenti is the Chief Executive Officer of BHA for Equality – a leading third sector organisation committed to equality, diversity and human rights.
BHA’s mission is to tackle inequalities in health and social care and promote equality for African, Caribbean, South Asian and other disadvantaged or marginalised population groups (including Eastern Europeans) across Greater Manchester, Yorkshire and Humber. Priscilla was one of the founder members of BHA in 1990.
Priscilla was vice-chair of the Sex Education Forum for a number of years and edited a number of publications on sex and relationship education for young people. She was a Lay member of a Primary Care Trust which morphed into a Clinical Commissioning Group and was the lead on patient and public involvement.
Priscilla works closely with public sector bodies at national, regional and local level and continuously lobbies them to change the inequitable and inaccessible ways in which services are sometimes commissioned and delivered.
Priscilla has been a visiting lecturer at a number of Universities and has presented at various conferences and events in Cameroon, France, Germany, Italy and the United States of America. She holds a PhD in Epidemiology and Health Sciences from Manchester University.