Here are some answers to some common questions parents and carers may have about the school.
If your question isn’t answered here please feel free to contact us.
My child is sick, what do I need to do?
Ring the school between 8.30-9.30am and a message will be passed onto your child’s teacher.
My child has been ill a lot and their report says that the school will be monitoring this. What does that mean?
The school has to produce reports on attendance to Ofsted. More importantly, however, if your child has been ill a lot, we need to look at other ways to support you and your family. We do have a Family Engagement worker who could come and visit you and see what other support we can put in place.
I would like to take my child on a term time holiday. What shall I do?
You should plan your holidays to match the school holidays, so that your child does not miss any lessons. We do not allow children to miss school in order to go on holiday during term time unless it is an exceptional circumstance (please refer to our attendance policy). If you wish to take your child out of school during term time, please submit a Leave of Absence request form to the Principal, (this is available from the school office). If permission is not granted, any leave of absence taken will be recorded as unauthorised absence.
My child has left their musical instrument/PE kit/book bag/water bottle at home. What shall I do?
Please make sure it is clearly marked with your child’s name and hand into the school office.
How do I pay dinner money?
All payments must be in advance and can be made by cash or cheque at reception on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday morning. Cheques should be made payable to Longsight Community Primary.
How often should I read with my child?
In our experience, children make greatest progress when they read with someone on a daily basis. By the time your child is in year 6, we recommend asking your child to read a chapter (either aloud or to themselves) and then explain to you what has happened in the story.
How can I ensure my child is best prepared for each school day?
Make sure they have had a good night’s sleep, are clean and tidy with hair brushed, wearing the correct uniform and have had breakfast. Also, please ensure they have their glasses if necessary, and all they need for the day including Book Bag, homework, reading record/message book. At the end of the day, check their book bag for letters and have a look at their message book.
What shall I do if my child is late?
Come to the school office where staff can register your child and escort them to their classroom.
My child has lost their school jumper. What can I do?
Ensure that all of your child’s uniform and PE kit is named, so that, if lost, it can be returned when found. A Lost Property box will be placed in the classrooms for parents to look through for lost items. Any unclaimed property will be donated to charity at the end of each term as we have nowhere to store it in the long term.
My child has a chronic medical condition. What shall I do with their medication?
If your child has a chronic medical condition, such as asthma or severe allergies, we will work with you to create a Care Plan which includes details of the medication, dosage and any other advice. Medications should be collected at the end of each term and checked to ensure they are still in date. Medications held at school are taken to swimming, off-site PE and school trips.
My child is taking antibiotics and needs a lunchtime dose. What shall I do?
Staff are not allowed to administer this type of medication so you will need to ensure that someone comes to school to administer it, or re-arrange the dosage times around the school day. We can administer liquid paracetamol with written permission.
My child was sick in the night. Should I send them into school the next morning?
If your child has vomited, or has had diarrhoea, please leave at least 24 hours from the time of the last symptoms before sending them back to school.
My child has a medical/dental appointment during the school day. What shall I do?
Please try to avoid doctor/dental appointments during the school day. If it is unavoidable, please send a note in, no later than the day before, indicating what time you’ll be collecting your child, the nature of the appointment, if and when they will return to school and whether or not they require school dinner.
I am caught in traffic and would like another parent to collect my child. What shall I do?
Please write a list of parents/family members who can collect your child from school in the front of your child’s contact book. Remember to include their telephone numbers, as children can become very distressed if they are late being picked up. In an emergency, the teacher will wait with your child until you collect them.
Can I drop my child off before school?
Yes, if you are having difficulty dropping your child off at the correct time then you can organise to leave them from 8.15am. There will be a member of staff in the hall from that time. No child should be left unaccompanied at the gate before this time.
How well is my child doing in school?
The best way to find out is to ask your child! Are they happy? Have they made new friends? A child who is happy and settled in school is more likely to be open to learning. Have a word with their teacher; we have an open door policy. You don’t need to make an appointment, just have a word after school. You will also have a chance to review their progress at parents evenings and receive their end of year report.
I can’t get through to the school on the phone, what shall I do?
Please leave a message and it will be picked up. If you need to speak to someone urgently you can call Sure Start Longsight on 248- 1500.
I am separated from my child’s other parent and it would be difficult for us to come to parents evening at the same time. What can I do?
We appreciate that family relationships can be complicated and we want to make this less stressful by offering separate appointment times and, where necessary, on different dates. When you receive your letter asking you to choose times/dates for parents evening, just ask for another form and let the teacher know the circumstances. We will be moving to an Online Booking System for Parents’ Evenings in the very near future.
Why don’t I receive text messages from the school?
Very often the simple answer to this is that you have changed your phone and forgotten to tell the school your new number! Alternatively, it may be that your child’s other parent is listed as the main contact (the text system can only send one message per family).
What does Voluntary Contribution towards school trips mean?
Unfortunately, we cannot afford to pay for school trips out of the school budget so we will, from time to time, ask you to make a contribution towards school trips. Parents can speak, in confidence, to the Principal in case of financial hardship.
How do I buy a school uniform?
You can collect an order form from the school office. Please return this to the school and pay on collection.
I have four children and find it difficult to buy them the correct uniforms.
You are not alone! Many parents feel under pressure to buy new uniforms each year, we have teamed up with a number of charities and will be able to support parents on low incomes to get free school uniforms. Look out for information in the schools newsletter on how you can apply.
How do I speak to a teacher informally about an issue?
All class teachers bring their class out at the end of the school day, so you can speak to them then. Alternatively, they can arrange to meet you at a mutually convenient time if necessary.
I am concerned about an incident that has occurred. Who should I speak to?
Speak to you child’s teacher, they will be able to give you more information and assurance. We know it is upsetting to hear about anything that affects your child. We ask that you put your concerns forward calmly and clearly. By listening to each other and discussing things, we can work towards a resolution.
Will the school be supporting each child to have four year health checks, including hearing?
Your child will have their height, weight, hearing and vision checked by NHS screening at 4 – 5 years. When they are in Year 6 they will be screened again for their height and weight.
How will the school support parents in dealing with head lice?
As soon as we are aware of any cases of head lice we will inform all parents by letter and give you tips on how to limit further cases, e.g. tying hair up. We will also work with the local chemists to give you advice on how best to treat any cases.
My child has school dinners, is it okay to give them some healthy snacks for break time?
Children who opt for school dinners will receive a balanced diet that has been developed in partnership with the children/parents and analysed by a nutritionist. The reception children will enjoy fruit as part of the Stay and Play session each morning and then a mid morning healthy snack. The first break time is 10.30am and this is followed by lunch at 12 noon. We hope that you will give your child a good start to each day by taking time to make sure they have had a good breakfast. This will mean there is no need for a mid morning snack and they will take the time to enjoy their outdoor play activities.
Will my child receive milk at school?
If your child is in reception they will recieve 1/3 pint of free fresh milk every day they are at school.
Will my child be able to get a drink of water when they want one?
The school will provide labelled water bottles in each class, so each child has free access to water at all times. To promote children to take responsibility, each class will have a water monitor on a rota basis.
Will all the children be eating in the hall at the same time?
There will be staggered lunch times so we can cater for the needs of all the children. All children will eat in the dining room, including the reception children, as this will encourage their self confidence and prepare them for ‘Big School’.
What kind of food will the school serve?
The school will celebrate food from all around the world and will offer halal and vegetarian options.
If it is raining, will be my child be going out to play?
Yes, children love playing out in all kinds of weather so we ask that you make sure that they have the appropriate clothing and footwear. After a few hours in a classroom it is good for them to go outside and get fresh air and exercise. If a child doesn’t want to go out and play in the rain, that’s okay we can still ensure they enjoy some fresh air by staying under the canopies or sheltered outdoor areas.