Year Two

Hello, and welcome to Year 2!
The Year 2 team will be Mrs Tilly and Mrs Parker-Stone as our main class teachers, with Miss Hussain and Mrs Raza in the class to support with learning.
We are very much looking forward to being back at school and have missed you all very much. We will be having a very busy half term and filled with lots of exciting new learning.
Mrs N Dunne
Teacher - Early Years & KS1 Lead Year 2
Mrs D Hancock
Teaching Assistant
This term, in Literacy, we will be reading two books: Troll Swap, with a focus on characters, and The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark, with a focus on owls. In Maths, we will examine place value, and addition and subtraction. Our topic in Science will be everyday materials, while in History we will explore castles in the Middle Ages.
In Geography, we will look at continents and oceans of the world. In RE, we will consider what Jesus taught in Christianity, and the concept of Jesus as a gift from god at Christmas. Children will consider the human form in Art and mechanisms and structures in DT, while our PHSE classes will encourage them to focus on new beginnings, getting on and falling out, and saying no to bullying.
Your child’s PE lesson will be on Monday and Thursday. On these days please ensure that your child comes to school in full PE kit, including suitable footwear (trainers or plimsolls). The PE kit includes a light coloured T shirt and black joggers. Your child will remain in their PE kit all day then the PE kit will need to be washed ready for their next PE day.
Homework will be sent each week via Class Dojo. Please make sure you are checking Class Dojo regularly for information and to see what we have been doing in school.
Children will continue to read books online if they are assigned a Read Write Inc Ebook. Home reading books will be given out and changed as normal. When the children have finished their book please sign their reading record and the children can swap their book in school.
The children will not need to bring in anything from home aside from a named water bottle, a packed lunch box (if they have a packed lunch) and a coat. The children should not bring in any pencil cases from home as everything will provided by school.
In the morning doors will be open from 8.25am and the children can make their way to their classroom as soon as they arrive. Please say goodbye to the children away from the door and allow them to make their own way indoors. Lessons start from 8.30am. The school day ends at 2.45pm; please wait for your child to be sent to you. If you need to speak to your child’s teacher, please schedule in some time for the end of the school day.