
We build on the National Curriculum for geography with series of units that break down what each child should know and understand at every stage in their journey with us.
Each unit sets out:
- A clear expectation of what children should learn
- A Talk Homework activity to engage families in their child’s learning
- Suggested reading to increase children’s understanding
- Extra activities that draw on local resources
- Guidance from teachers on sensitive issues to look out for, teaching a balanced viewpoint, and adapting the unit to meet the needs of individual classes
- Links to our Rights Respecting Schools Award curriculum.
Geography goes hand-in-hand with what children learn in history, languages, RE and PHSE, as children develop a deep respect for diverse cultures and understand the human right to maintain your own nationality, religion and culture.
We draw on the varied physical geography, museums and universities of the North West to give children first hand experiences of a range of environments. We work with our families to celebrate their international links and to value the different cultures, religions and languages we have within our school communities.